Friday, December 26, 2008

4-2 Sem .... fun n also a bit busy LOL

The final sem of my B.Tech is finally here without knowing how the 4 yrs have gone by (except the exam periods when the 14 days seems as if a month has passed by :P).
Now with jus 3 days college (our college differs in everything) a week , the rest is left for project work.My team consists of padma me n naveen . Me n padma were thinking of doing our project in some prestigious institution right from the start but then we were unaware of the dark plans of naveen lol . Right from the start he had planned to do the project with Rahul's Batch ( Guess WHY ?? hint :"for a Team Member in their Batch" hahaha ). And as always he just leaves for Bangalore suddenly n we were left to submit the abstract by our self though padma put a lot of effort in doing tat :D . Then one day we find after joining in some noob institute , we come to know the true colours of our team leader :P . Padma was the most dissapointed as he wanted to do the project in a very prestigious institute(like NIC which almost worked out) but becasuse of the fuckin intentions of our dumb team leader , we had to sacrifice our high expectations ( LOL he almost cried when we informed him for fun tat we would ditch him from the team n do our project elsewhere ) .